It could be worse

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Cancer is all consuming. It devours your thoughts, dreams, conversations. It hangs over your head when you're having fun. It screams in your head when you're laughing. Tells you, you shouldn't be happy. Don't think positive. Be sad. Think about the scariness and the odds. That's what it wants.

I do a pretty good job of ignoring it though. I just laugh louder, smile bigger and tell myself constantly, "I can do hard things. Why? Because I am a Daughter of God."

Only on occasion does cancer get me down. I can't be strong all the time. As much as cancer sucks though... There are moments that make you realize cancer is not the worst. Friday snapped me out of my gloom and showed me there is far worse than cancer. It's not the worst and for that I am so thankful. I would take cancer 1,000 times over, than be one of those poor parents on Friday. Cancer is awful, but I have the chance to fight it. So today I will be grateful for this trial. It has paled in comparison to the grief in the news. My heart is broken for them.

Watching the news with my husband we just looked at each other and said, "It's only cancer. Thank goodness it's only cancer."

Tonight I will tuck my babies in bed. I will kiss them goodnight and say many thanks that they're there. They're safe. And they're alive.

Thank you Heavenly Father, thank you.


jessica said...

Well said Brittany, my heart is breaking for all of those families and I am constantly thanking God for my boys. It was fun to meet you at your dinner last week, and you are still in my prayers. Hope your surgery goes well! Keep up your positive attitude :)

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