Prayer Balloons

Friday, November 16, 2012

I have the sweetest 5 year old in the world. 
No really, I do. 

The night we found I had cancer Kambrie came into my room and said, "Mom, I know what will help. We could write notes and if we could just get enough money for balloons we could tie the notes to the balloons and send them to heaven. Then Heavenly Father will know how to fix your cancer." 
I cried. Of course. Then I told her we would do it some time. 

Two weeks went by and Kambrie reminded me 
And every single time I told her "soon". 
The last time she asked about it I could see how important it was to her in her eyes. They were filled with tears as she begged me, "Mom, we MUST do it before your surgery!!" 
She then told me we needed as many balloons as possible so I needed to write it on Facebook. I did just what she asked and prayed that when we got to the park that afternoon she wasn't disappointed when no one showed up ;) 
But people did show up. Lots of them. Kambrie was elated. My friends wrote wonderful, kind prayers and thoughts on their balloons and on the count of three we sent them to heaven. 
Right after the balloons were in the air I looked at Kambrie's face and I was so touched. 
Her face had the look of a child that believed. She truly believed this was going to help. To make a difference. She was beaming and just so proud. 

Up until that point I had thought we were doing this to help Kambrie. To make her feel like she was helping. 
I was wrong though, it was also for me. 
Kambrie showed me Faith like I had never seen before. 
If we could only all be like a 5 year old when it comes to faith. 
So thank you my sweet Kambrie for showing your mom such strong faith during such a hard time. 

When we got home the girls were so excited talking about how pretty Heaven would look when all the balloons showed up. And how Heavenly Father would be so surprised when those balloons knocked at his door. (Lol) Their comments made me giggle and I would not trade their innocence for the world. They have asked me many times since if I'm feeling any better. Then they tell me as soon as He get the balloons I'll feel so much better. And that the balloons are going to help Heavenly Father know exactly how to cure my cancer. Angels. 

Kynzee's balloon

 There they go!
 Kambrie watching the balloons go
 On their way to heaven
 The Brittany's. My bests and such good support :)

 Danny my incredible husband
 All the kids. Love them all!

 Kambrie- the 5 year old who started it all :)

My wonderful friend Brittany Cascio from Cascio Photography took all the beautiful pictures for us. Thank you so much Britt! And thank you to each person who came and stood out in the freezing cold!


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